Content lifecycle management

Content marketing, especially on a large scale, may take a great deal of time, money, and effort.
When your team knows how to produce more content quicker with fewer resources, your business gets more conversions, improves collaboration, and discovers the most profound aspects of content delivery and performance measurement, inevitably leading to high content quality standards.
All this depends on how your organization builds its content operations.

What is Content Operations? 

Content operations or content ops is the set of activities aimed at improving content effectiveness and efficiency within an organization by leveraging people, processes, and technology to maximize business value and customer experience. 

What to Consider Before Building Content Operations  

Say your organization wants to build a long-standing content strategy that will continuously expand your organization’s online presence, increase the number of loyal customers, and help to complete diverse and multiple marketing objectives. In that case, it should build a productive environment to leverage content operations. 

Consider these factors before getting started: 

Your Target Audience 
Content operations depend on the customer base and its size, demographics, problems, preferences, and needs. Your organization must understand all that to understand the scale of content ops, including touchpoints of interaction, content topics that bring value, posting frequency, and other important things.

Your Team 
Content operations are effective and efficient in organizations where teams include sufficient professionals in each area of content marketing:

  • Planning and Management. Each content channel an organization works with should have a manager to supervise the activities: website and blog, social media, PPC advertising, and beyond.  
  • Writing. Writers should know everything about content creation, editing, publication, analysis, and optimization, along with unique content creation practices for each channel the organization uses to engage with customers.  
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO experts should help writers optimize content to get more traffic on search engines and reach higher positions on search engine results pages (SERPs).  
  • Design. Designers should know how to create various types of visual content according to the latest trends and optimize it to boost web page speed for SEO.  
  • Data Analytics. Analysts should provide the content marketing team with complete statistics on their activities to help the organization set key performance indicators (KPIs) to reach better results and fill the gaps that prevent further growth. 

In addition to this, it is worth pointing out that your entire DAM system can be further enhanced by integrating with a content development platform. This will allow you to speed up content creation and make sure it is compliant with all MLR processes. It will also involve all of the stakeholders in the digital asset management workflow and allow them to work as a unit.

Published Content

Is your organization a brand-new business with no published content, or is it a long-standing company with lots of posted content on its website and other online sources? Whatever the amount of content your organization has posted, it’s crucial to build digital content operations to keep it updated using a consistent and coherent brand voice across all channels.   

Your Industry 

Consider that content ops of organizations from some industries must comply with government-regulated policies. For instance, in the pharmaceutical and life sciences industries, our content experience platform helps companies and agencies optimize their content ops and accelerate the medical, legal, and regulatory (MLR) review – the process to ensure the accuracy and compliance of pharma promotional content. 

The Level of Digital Maturity 

Technology plays an essential role in content operations. In the age when artificial intelligence and big data disrupt digital marketing, content operation tools require the highest level of digital maturity. Your organization needs a team of technical specialists who can incorporate and maintain advanced IT infrastructure to use automation and increase productivity within your content operations. 

How to Leverage Content Ops at Your Organization

Here are recommendations to achieve maximum efficiency in content marketing operations. They will be handy both for organizations that are on the level of enterprise content creation and for those that tend to reach it. 

Build a Single Working Environment 

Your organization should have complete coherence between each team member and within each department to leverage content operations. To let professionals work in synergy and eliminate bottlenecks, your organization needs not just any content operations software but a system comprising a single working environment.
The backbone of a single working environment is a digital asset management (DAM) system that allows internal stakeholders from the same organization and external stakeholders from other organizations to connect and produce, store, manage, deliver, and analyze content for multiple channels and target audiences.
With a DAM system, your organization can create a content operations platform that meets any possible needs and requirements. Because DAM systems have open design and API support, your technical specialists can integrate the existing functionality of your organization with any third-party software.

Create a Content Map and Update It Continuously 

Content mapping is a marketing technique that allows organizations to provide customers with personalized omnichannel experiences at a large scale. A content map visualizes customer journeys at different levels of interaction and helps organizations lead them step by step to conversion.
Content maps are necessary because they streamline content ops by providing essential information about customers’ demographics and lifestyles. This data sheds light on many other factors to deliver the right content to the right customer at the right time via the right platform without wasting resources.

Adopt the Agile Methodology 

Agile methodology is a project management framework that enables organizations to plan, execute, and evaluate content operations and helps multiple stakeholders be more flexible by enhancing communication and quickly reacting to changes.
The framework allows organizations to improve content operations by identifying needs and requirements, setting explicit scopes, and providing the opportunity to see the big picture to modify a content marketing strategy at any moment effectively and on the go.

Reduce The Cost of Content Operations with eWizard 

In content marketing, a content operation solution is a must-use software. Looking for a solution to leverage content ops for your organization?
The eWizard team is here to provide professional assistance in creating a strategy, consult on the latest technology, or discuss a custom solution that matches your organization’s needs.
Please complete the form, and we’ll get back to you shortly.


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