
How to build a Content Ecosystem for Big Pharma

Content development processes in Pharma companies are often complex. They are tightly regulated, involve multiple validated systems, and require the participation of numerous internal departments, from engineering to legal to regulatory to marketing, each with different agendas. Multiple approval cycles and supply chain partners are needed to help deliver your products to market. All of this can put a strain on the content development process.
In our e-book, we discuss the various elements that make up the digital content strategy and how the modular approach can help streamline your efforts and help you scale your content development process. Below you can find a brief summary of our e-book, but be sure to download the entire thing to get all of the relevant insights.
Innovate to Embrace Change
Pharma companies, like many big organizations, tend to be risk-averse, essentially because they have an established, successful enterprise and generally worry more about the downside risk of any given opportunity than the upside possibility it could represent. For this reason, pharma companies are hesitant to change their long-established content creation processes. However, the ones that do will be able to capitalize on embracing innovation to engage customers in a more targeted and measurable way.
This innovation includes not only automating manual tasks and processes but also overhauling the content ecosystem as a whole. The reason for this is that most pharma companies still rely on legacy, outdated approaches to content management, which involve strict document controls, constantly creating content from scratch, time-consuming approval processes, manual editing documents, and many other processes.
Therefore, we highly recommend that pharma industry leaders look at improving your content ecosystem as an opportunity instead of a challenge. In the next section, we will discuss modular content and how it can be used to streamline content development. It is a much more innovative approach for pharma companies. They are embracing democratizing content development, removing bottlenecks, and providing additional avenues for growth.
Modular Content in Pharma
Modular content involves pre-approved blocks of content or modules that can be used to create marketing assets. It can be a text, image, or a combination of the two that are organized in relatively small units that can serve as stand-alone pieces or combine to create comprehensive long-form content. What makes the modular approach different is that it allows companies to avoid creating content for each specific event or purpose. Think of each marketing asset as a construction set consisting of many different building blocks that can all be combined in a number of ways, stand-alone pieces, or combined to create comprehensive long-form content.
In fact, the modular approach is so convenient that it is becoming the new normal. Patients and HCPs today are not only expecting but demanding customized experiences. By taking various content modules, marketing teams are able to carefully craft the experience they would like their target audience to have. This allows your marketing teams to avoid time-consuming MLR approval processes since the modules are already pre-approved, and there is no need to create marketing assets from scratch.
Get Valuable Industry Insights in Our E-book
If you feel like the modular approach is a better alternative to the content development processes you have now, or you simply would like more information about modular, we invite you to download our e-book. You will learn how to create a content ecosystem that is truly agile, modularization is an absolute must since it will enable you to keep up with an ever-increasing demand for content from your audience. Start breaking down blobs of content into manageable components that can be distributed across a number of channels.
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