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You did everything right: found the most trending topics for your blog, hired the most talented copywriters, chose the best time for publishing your article, and… you got 5 views and 1 like. What went wrong here? Who, or what to blame? We have the answer: your content distribution strategy.

Content creation is a well-known process to all companies looking to expand their client base, build trust with their existing customers, and assert their expertise in the industry. However, it is not enough to create content; it’s also important to choose the right distribution methods. And having a semi-decent strategy in 2024 won’t cut it. Our guide will give you all you need to know about content distribution and how you can refine your strategy to attract new audiences and generate leads.

What is Content Distribution?

Content distribution is the process of sharing and promoting content through multiple platforms, such as social media channels, email, messengers, and more. It is a huge part of a content marketing strategy, as strategic content sharing is just as important as creating high-quality materials.

There are many ways to share, reuse, and create content to reach the right audience and engage with it. Focusing on just a few content marketing channels can be a great idea in terms of consistency, but it may limit opportunities to experiment and attract new audiences. The same goes for the opposite: always trying out new platforms can be both fun and beneficial, but loyal clients might prefer for your content to be consistently published on 1-2 specific channels. Finding the golden mean is the best option, and to do that, you need to have a future-proof content distribution strategy.

Types of Content Distribution Channels

Content distribution channels are what you can use to share and promote your content. There are three main types of distribution channels, which are:


These are all the channels that belong to your brand, and they can serve as the base for operations of your content marketing strategy. It can be your website, e-mail newsletter, social media, or any other platform that you own. It’s important to treat this type of channel as the foundation for all your content marketing efforts, as this is where most people will get to know your brand. No matter whether you choose to focus on building your online presence on social media, website, or both, it’s crucial to ensure that the preferred channel is easy to access, user-friendly, considers all SEO basics, and offers content appropriate for your target audience.


Paid distribution channels are the ones your brand uses to promote content through paid advertising. For example, your brand might decide to collaborate with a famous blogger. You allocate a budget to achieve this goal and pay the social media persona you decided to work with for three posts on their Instagram. On their page, the blogger might share a piece of content written either by your brand or created in collaboration with your brand. Other examples of paid advertising include pay-per-click ads, sponsored posts, webinars or podcasts, affiliate marketing, etc.

One of the biggest advantages of paid content distribution is how quickly your content will reach the target audience and how visible it will be. Most of the time, if you pay for ads instead of creating them, it’s highly likely that a large portion of people will see them. It is a great choice for short-term growth and boosting brand recognition, but in the long term, it’s best to focus on other types of channels.


Earned media is where you don’t have any kind of influence on the distribution channel; instead, you “earn” a chance for your content to be shared. For example, someone might enjoy your products or services and post something about them, recommending your brand to others. This doesn’t even have to be a famous person; every share matters, meaning that if you want your content to be distributed through earned channels as much as possible, you have to ensure that your content is “shareable.”

The more people talk about your brand, the stronger your trust grows. Other examples of earned media channels are customer reviews, word of mouth, user-generated content, etc. Even though earned media channels are the hardest ones to distribute content on, it’s still worth adding them to your content distribution strategies.

Navigating Hurdles in Refining Distribution Strategies

How can you develop an effective pharma content distribution strategy if you are not ready for a challenge? From balancing multiple content distribution goals to platform saturation, there are many obstacles marketers encounter when refining digital outreach. Let’s take a look at the most common ones:

Limited reach

For many businesses, especially the ones that are just starting out, it’s hard to reach a broader audience and attract many new customers. The problem might not even be in the content quality; everything might be perfect, but it will still keep getting just a couple of views. In a situation like this, it’s best to first focus on paid content distribution channels and find the right audience, then put more effort into distributing content on the brand’s owned channels.

Lack of personalization

71% of consumers expect personalization from brands and companies they buy from. Many are ready to share their personal data if this would lead to more personalized offers, content, and discounts. By tailoring your content to your audience’s desires and needs, you increase the chances of a customer making another purchase again, eventually becoming a loyal client.

Time constraints

The creation of high-quality content is a time-consuming and tedious task. Even if a marketing team speeds up the content creation through content automation process, many nuances and factors still need to be considered, including the distribution channels. This is why many businesses struggle to keep up with the content posting schedule and ensure its quality before publishing.

Poor content quality

Always being able to provide your audience with top quality is quite challenging, and it is even harder to stay consistent with producing high-quality content at all times. Content quality depends a lot on how well you know your buyers and whether you understand their current needs, so if you still haven’t done proper research on the market, it is the best time to do it. Another thing you can do is hire professional content makers, marketers, copywriters, and other experts and form a team that would work on creating and publishing materials on a regular basis.

Best Practices to Refine Your Content Distribution Strategy

So, you have decided to finally reach a wider audience, boost your social media engagement, and manage cutting-edge content delivery. How do you develop an effective content distribution strategy? Here are some important tips to remember:

Audience first

Why choose a content distribution channel if your audience prefers another one? What is the point of following a strategy that does not take your customers’ needs into account? An effective content distribution strategy heavily depends on how well you know and understand your audience. The first step in crafting a perfect content marketing strategy is analyzing the audience’s behavior, such as the channels it uses, times at which it’s more likely to read your content, preferred content formats, and other important factors.

One of the best ways to gain such important insights is to conduct surveys. Once in a while, ask your audience about what they want to see, read, and experience when visiting your website or social media. You can even offer a goodie for answering your questions, such as a discount or a small gift. This way, you will encourage more people to provide their feedback.

Prioritize content quality over frequency

It’s great to be able to publish 20 Instagram posts per week, but are you sure they are the right thing for your audience? High-quality content is a lot more valuable, both for your brand and your audience. Your content should be an extension of your goals, vision, and mission and represent your brand in the best light possible. Whenever you create a social media post, blog article, or even Instagram story, keep your target audience in mind and ask yourself: “Is this content’s quality high enough? Will my customers find it helpful and beneficial?” Create content for more than just the sole purpose of selling a product or service.

Diversify distribution platforms and content types

Doing the same thing repeatedly might result in some level of success, but it will likely become repetitive and even boring. You don’t need to have a new distribution strategy every month; it’s enough to add a few new channels and content types here and there from time to time. Try out various formats, and don’t hesitate to experiment.

Collaborate with industry experts and influencers

69% of consumers trust the recommendations influencers give, whether it is a new product or service. Many industry experts have a large following on social media, and collaborating with them can help your brand gain more recognition. Consider this: if these experts and influencers share your company’s ideas and values, isn’t it possible that their followers are likely to be interested in what you have to offer? By partnering with those who have large social media platforms, you can reach a broader audience and attract many new customers.

Optimize your content

You can’t just hope that people will find your content alone, right? Search engine optimization is what can help you increase the chances of your content being seen by possible customers. SEO offers insights into the performance of your marketing strategy and tools for analyzing different metrics such as website rankings, bounce rate, conversions, and even ROI. SEO should not be underestimated since this is what’s guaranteed to boost your website engagement and drive more organic traffic.

Choose the right tools

In 2024, it’s impossible to have a successful marketing strategy with just paper and pen. With the right software, your marketing team can execute much quicker market research, enhance content visibility, improve team collaboration, and even automate content creation to a great degree. All you have to do is just think about your goals and decide what kind of instruments will help you attain them. Some of the must-have tools are Google Analytics, Grammarly, and eWizard, but there are also many other instruments you can use to improve content-related processes. For instance, a Digital Content Factory can be a great instrument for businesses seeking to optimize content creation and enhance the efficiency of their marketing campaigns.

Bottom Line

The truth is, you will probably need at least a few attempts at finding the perfect content type and distribution channel before you nail it. And that’s completely fine: refining your content distribution strategy will require time and effort. By gaining a deeper understanding of your audience and placing the customer at the center of your operations, you’ll be able to develop a customer-centric content distribution strategy that delivers real impact.

FAQs on refined content distribution strategy

Why is it important to diversify distribution platforms?

By diversifying your distribution channels, your marketing efforts get a greater reach, and you will avoid relying on one channel to do the job. Moreover, by continuously using a few media channels to connect with your audience, you ensure that you are always available on platforms where your customers are most active.

How can I measure the success of my content distribution strategy?

To measure the success of your content distribution strategies, it’s crucial to determine key performance indicators or KPIs. Some common KPIs for measuring the performance of your digital content distribution strategy are bounce rate, conversion rate, click-through rate, cost per acquisition, and page views.

What are the key challenges that businesses may face in content distribution in 2024?

Even though, thanks to automation and artificial intelligence technologies, marketers can make content creation and distribution processes much easier, there are still many obstacles they have to face, such as:

  • Maintaining consistent content quality and posting schedule;
  • Optimizing content reach and distribution correctly;
  • Ensuring multi-channel distribution;
  • Identifying emerging distribution platforms quickly;
  • Understanding the target audience and being able to gather audience insights for better content;
  • Integrating modern tools into content-related workflows;
  • Dealing with content fatigue and information overload;
  • Properly personalizing content.

Consumers have changed a lot in the past few years. Their attention span has shortened as they constantly consume information from multiple channels and in different formats. People no longer stick to a single long article; instead, they jump from one resource to another to see different takes on an issue. Moreover, modern customers value their time and do not like being given generic information. They need content that matches their values, real-time needs, and preferences. 

The life sciences industry must adapt to these shifts and deliver tailored content across markets, channels, and campaigns. However, the key challenge is that such an approach strains resources and takes forever, especially with the medical legal regulatory (MLR) review timelines.

The modular content marketing strategy arose to turn these hurdles into business opportunities. This blog post will delve into modular content, its role in modern pharma marketing, and how to do it right.

What Is Modular Content? 

There are two main ways to think about modular content. The first involves creating fresh materials and assets by combining pre-built, pre-approved content blocks or modules. Unlike basic content components (think images, statistics, text snippets, and so on), content modules are MLR approvable, design-less, and channel-agnostic units that deliver a specific message.  

For instance, imagine you have components like a graph showing drug adoption, some statistics, and a call to action. You could combine these into a module that highlights the benefits of a particular drug and encourages viewers to learn more. 

The other way to think about modular content is that it focuses on creating adaptable content that can be easily repurposed for different channels and formats. Imagine a pharmaceutical company creating a comprehensive report on drug effectiveness. They could break this report down into smaller, snackable content modules. These modules could then be used to build emails, infographics, video scripts, eDetailers, blog posts, and anything else you can think of. 

Importance of the Modular Content Strategy for Life Sciences 

Modular content boasts many advantages compared to the traditional approach to content creation. We have summarized the key benefits in the table below for your convenience. 

Traditional Approach Modular Approach 
It is hard to discern what makes content resonant and what leads it to miss the mark. Marketing teams find it hard to personalize brand messages. Modularization allows brands to identify pieces that strike a chord with the audience. When creators combine the most resonant chunks into cohesive stories, customers get highly personalized, engaging content. 
Each content asset is created from scratch for each channel, market, or buying situation.  Companies repurpose modules across platforms, campaigns, and markets. 
Each content piece undergoes the MLR review, which may take months depending on the type of feedback and the MLR team’s workload. Modular content must be created and approved only once. Pharma brands can reuse approved content without undergoing any MLR procedures. 
Teams end up duplicating work for channels and campaigns because the content is stored in isolated libraries. Modular content begins with creating a Digital Asset Management (DAM) system that houses all the company’s pre-approved modules. This ensures everyone has access to all data, preventing unnecessary duplication of efforts. 
It is challenging to update content to adapt to changing market needs and trends. To respond to changing markets, teams can update just one or few modules without overhauling the entire content. 
Table 1: Traditional vs Modular approach in content marketing

Challenges of Going Modular (And the Solution) 

You may have considered a modular approach but concerns about data management might have held you back. While highly beneficial (see table), data organization can be a main bottleneck for some pharmaceutical brands. Managing modular content – tagging, tracking, updating – can be a significant manual effort depleting your resources. 

But what if we told you that you can automate most of this heavy lifting? Our content experience platform, eWizard, leverages artificial intelligence (AI) to automate content categorization (static tagging) and enrich it with metadata (dynamic tagging). This way, your content can be well organized and easy to find and reuse. 

Plus, AI ensures that content remains continually up-to-date and accurate by scanning the latest research and suggesting updates when necessary. AI technology also tracks all revisions made to modules, ensuring that clients always have access to the latest version and minimizing miscommunication and errors among teams. 

How to Implement Modular Content Without Hiccups 

Making organizational changes, like shifting to modular, can be a long and challenging path. Though the effort pays off, you might need some guidance to make this process smoother, more efficient, and less painstaking for all stakeholders. Without further ado, let’s explore some steps you need to take to do it right. 

Motivate your stakeholders 

People generally dislike change, so they need to see the personal benefits to embrace it. By demonstrating how modular content positively impacts their work, their intrinsic motivation will skyrocket. For example, data analysts will gain more insights into content performance, while content creators will no longer duplicate content and can focus on more creative and advanced storytelling. 

Emphasize what this change means for the entire organization and its business goals. Stakeholders need to see the bigger picture and understand their role in it. 

Move to a DAM 

The digital asset management (DAM) system is the major pillar of the modular approach. This is a content library where all data is housed and managed. DAM acts as a “single source of truth” letting everyone on the team access and work with the same modules.  

If you do not currently have a DAM solution in place, we suggest you try out the eWizard content repository, Navigate. It allows users to store all modules, templates, and media files in one place. Users can view each module’s approval status and history to improve content management and streamline the MLR process. 

Assess your existing content

Some of your content might have complex designs and lack proper structure, making the modular approach seem like a catch-22. So, you might want to analyze all your existing content assets to identify opportunities for modularization.  

Wherever possible, you must standardize the structure and simplify the design. This can help turn an old landing page or eDetailer into modules. Creating standard templates will help you visualize the modules’ structure, layout, and interaction patterns. 

Organize modules 

Assigning tags and metadata is essential for content creators to quickly find the necessary modules, track updates, and ensure compliance. Additionally, you should set clear business rules to explain how modules should be mixed and matched. For example, a business rule could state that the clinical decision support module must be paired with the patient case studies module to provide healthcare providers (HCPs) with evidence-based decision-making strategies and real-life cases. 

Approve and localize 

Before submitting your content for approval, make sure to do thorough quality checks to avoid revisions from the MLR team. Using AI can help you in this regard. For example, our content experience platform, eWizard, has an AI-powered MLR acceleration engine that predicts the likelihood of content approval before the formal review.  

This solution highlights sensitive images, missed references, and content mismatches. You can also set up notifications if the chances of content approval drop below 95%. When you are confident in the accuracy of your modules, submit them to the relevant MLR authorities to ensure regulatory compliance.  

The next logical step would be to localize these modules to make sure they are relevant and culturally sensitive to the local audience. But here is the catch: from our experience, local markets are not ready to localize content modules. So, most companies skip this step and proceed to content localization.  

To solve this problem, we added a feature in eWizard that lets clients localize the entire content first, publish the material as a PDF for MLR approval, and then, if there are modules in the global content, they can choose to create new ones, add the right metadata, and the technology will automatically localize these modules. 

Best Practices for the Modular Approach 

As pioneers in modular content, we have gained valuable experience in executing modular content strategy effectively. Here are some key takeaways to keep in mind: 

Establish clear goals 

Using clear expectations and key performance indicators (KPIs) will let teams navigate the organizational change, progress faster, and witness its impact. Craft supporting materials to ensure everyone is on the same page and works together under the wider concept strategy. 

Eat an elephant one bite at a time 

Instead of a full-scale launch, start implementing the modular content in some aspects of your business (for example, in a channel like eDetailer or a new drug campaign). This will let you gain more confidence in the workflow and showcase initial success to your employees to boost their motivation.  

Engage ambassadors 

You might want to empower employees most affected by the switch to the modular approach. They can serve as role models, helping others understand the benefits of this strategy and showing the possibilities of customizing the modules. With their guidance, teams will learn faster and ultimately be more effective with the new system. 

Don’t try to make all content modular 

When you create unnecessary modules without clear use cases, it causes chaos in your DAM system. With too many modules, teams are challenged to find and identify the right ones, reducing their overall reuse. To determine which content should be modular, it is smart to use strategic content planning, track content performance, and conduct content audits. 

Consider a design element 

The common misconception is that design does not matter because modules are design-less units. But the truth is that content modules take their final shape within a channel, and ignoring design during module creation can lead to poor and inconsistent user experience. 

However, when focusing on design, it can be tough for content creators to find the right block for a module structure. The good news is that, with the eWizard functionality called universal block layouts, you do not need to remember all the blocks or waste time searching for the perfect one. The layout is automatically adapted to the channel’s requirements. 

Embrace Modular Content with eWizard 

Modular content is not just a passing trend in pharmaceutical marketing; it is essential for business efficiency, content quality, and standardization. This is a crucial step that prepares brands for content marketing automation. However, we recognize that this digital transformation requires time and going the extra mile, meaning you might need robust technology throughout the entire process. 

eWizard is a content experience platform that allows pharma and life sciences companies to implement modular marketing strategies. Recognized as the Best Overall Content Marketing Software at the MarTech Breakthrough Awards, eWizard empowers you to plan, modularize, create, analyze, and distribute content across all channels. Our clients boost their return on investments and streamline the modular content process with eWizard. 

Interested in cooperation? Do not hesitate to contact our team today.

Automation has completely changed the way businesses operate. For many, boosting efficiency and accelerating time to marketing have become quite easy goals to attain with the help of automation. However, there is a lot more to automation than you might first think, especially when it comes to return on investment. How to unlock the hidden ROI of process automation? Learn more in our guide.

Understanding Business Process Automation

Business process automation entails using certain tools and software to automate different tasks and reduce employees’ workloads. For example, a business can decide to implement test automation, replacing manual tests with automated tests. This can be done with processes and tasks across various departments, from marketing to HR. Here are some examples of the essential processes that can be partially or fully automated:

  • Software development life cycle;
  • Regression testing;
  • Text generation;
  • Software testing;
  • Language generation;
  • Information extraction;
  • Text summarization;
  • Document classification;
  • Emotion detection;
  • Market research;
  • Lexical analysis;
  • Sentiment analysis.

There are two types of business automation, each serving a specific purpose:

  • Business process automation (BPA) uses various tools and software to fully or partially automate tasks while providing the company with important insights and ways to enhance productivity. BPA often refers to methods that allow for the automation of multiple tasks, impacting many departments within the company.
  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA) focuses on automating repetitive tasks that are often rule-based and don’t require much decision-making. RPA mimics human actions while reducing the time and effort needed to complete specific tasks. While complicated in its own right, RPA is easier to deploy than BPA and does not produce an enterprise-wide impact.

97% of IT enterprise decision makers believe that process automation is crucial for digital transformation, serving as a key driver for innovation. Is this really the case? Let’s figure it out together.

Business Advantages of Process Automation

Process automation comes in many shapes and forms. For instance, test automation is ideal for businesses aiming to optimize their testing processes, and other businesses might be interested in marketing automation, which enhances all marketing efforts and helps create better campaigns. Regardless of the scenario, automation has many business benefits, such as:

A lot of time saved

Your teams likely spend at least a few hours per day on routine tasks that take up a lot of time and don’t require much creativity, critical thinking, or problem-solving skills. Many believe this is their employees’ wasted potential, but nothing can be done: these tasks need attention as much as bigger projects. With process automation, employees can free up their time for more strategic and difficult tasks and dedicate more time and resources to the completion of those creative tasks.

Reduced errors

Regardless of the level of professionalism of your team, mistakes will happen. It does not mean that your team is irresponsible or just not good at their job; to err is human, isn’t it? However, sometimes, the price of even a single error might be too high. With the right automation tools, you can minimize the chance of errors and relieve the burden on your employees.

Cost savings

By implementing automation, companies can significantly reduce operational costs. With automation, it’s possible to decrease the number of resources needed for each process and invest money into other projects, roles, and tasks instead. Automation saves money in many ways, from mitigating the risks of making an expensive mistake to reducing the time needed to finish almost any task.

Improved productivity

With the right automation strategy, companies can increase the productivity of their teams in at least two ways. First of all, instead of manually completing each task, employees can use automation to finish them in shorter terms. Also, the automation of multiple processes allows for better multitasking, making it possible to get done with a few tasks at the same time, while previously, only one process could be brought to full completion.

Enhanced safety

Many companies continue their battle against this one big issue: piles of paper documents. Going paperless is more than a trend, and many businesses are considering switching to digital documents for safety reasons. Storing important information digitally and implementing automation to safeguard your data can decrease the chances of cyberattacks, errors, and other security risks.

Processes standardization

Automation helps businesses standardize their processes. This way, you will always know the flow of each automated task and how and when it will be completed. You are the one who defines the rules when it comes to automating any processes, and you will always know that

How to Unlock Your Workforce’s Potential with Automation

There are numerous ways to leverage process automation to enhance staff efficiency and achieve superior results. Here are some tips that will help you make the most out of your automation strategy:

Automation doesn’t equal job loss

At first glance, the current trends in the job market appear daunting: by 2030, it’s predicted that at least 73 million jobs in the US alone could be lost to automation. But is it really true? The reality is that with automation, certain positions will likely become obsolete. However, these jobs will be replaced by new opportunities in emerging fields and industries.

Determine which processes need automation the most

Instead of automating everything right away, focus on finding out which processes would benefit most from automation. What tasks require the most time, resources, and money? Are there any tasks that are just too repetitive and draining? Not everything has to be automated, and when you do automate any tasks, make sure you get the most value from this decision.

Form an automation expert team

How can you ensure you choose the best-fit automation strategy and the right stack of technologies? Trying to figure it out yourself might result in wasting time and resources. Instead of doing all that alone, create a team dedicated to automating various processes that will assist you and your employees through each step of transformation.

Start small

Automating all possible processes might have many benefits, but this action will likely result in confusion and potential resource waste. A quick win does not mean victory, and if you want to experience all the advantages of automation, it’s best to focus on long-term automation goals and desired outcomes.

Establish an automation training program

Not everyone will enthusiastically welcome the changes. Many people don’t know much about the benefits of automation, and some are not even sure what it involves. For most of your employees, it will take some time and adjusting before they get used to new processes, tools, and responsibilities. Conduct training sessions, educate your staff on the benefits of automation, show examples of successful cases and other companies, and just provide your teams with all the support they need during the acclimatization period.

How eWizard Automates Content Marketing Efforts

eWizard is a content experience platform that helps businesses automate content-related tasks, boost the ROI of marketing automation, and optimize costs spent on content development. From email marketing automation to content delivery, eWizard is capable of assisting marketers with automating almost every process in the content lifecycle. Here is how this is possible:


With eWizard, you can reuse all available templates, eliminating the need to create content from scratch whenever you decide to make a post or write an article. Content development becomes much easier with the reusability feature, allowing marketers and content creators to quickly create any piece of content while still maintaining its highest quality.

Translation automation

Preview content for a global audience and translate it with just one click. Available in many languages, eWizard quickly translates content to the preferred language, saving money and resources and accelerating time to market.

Improved collaboration

eWizard can serve as a collaborative environment where professionals from all departments can combine their efforts and work together on content creation, reducing the need for back-and-forth communication and extra expenses associated with delays and redundant tasks.

Version control

To ensure consistency across all your marketing campaigns and published content, you can use eWizard to view all versions of any material and revert changes when needed. Having control over all versions allows for the reduced overhead costs of producing and managing content and content creation tools.

Automated publishing across all channels

Instead of manually publishing each piece of content or using separate software for this goal, you can now completely automate this process with the help of eWizard. The content experience platform can be seamlessly integrated with many systems used by Life Sciences and Pharma companies, making content delivery smooth and quick.

Calculating the Return on Investment of Automation

Before you attempt to calculate return on investment (ROI), take a few steps first to guarantee the best results. Remember that ROI depends on how well you implement automation, and achieving better outcomes is always possible. Here is what you can do:

  1. Choose the right tasks to automate. As we said before, automating everything is not a great idea. Poorly made decisions on what to automate will have a huge impact on business process automation ROI.
  2. Don’t hesitate to customize. Examples of ROI formulas we give in this article might not be suitable for every project and company, so before applying any of them, think about how you might improve the formulas by adding your own elements. You can combine different formulas or add relevant variables to get the equation right.

Now, let’s explore some simple methods to calculate ROI of automation:

Basic ROI formula

The standard equation, used in many industries, can also be applied to automation. Here is how it looks:

ROI Formula

Let’s say you invested in automation tools for your business. The costs and benefits would look like this:

  • Costs: $10,000 (the amount spent on automation tools and implementation);
  • Benefits: $15,000 (the value generated from implementing automation).
  1. Subtract the costs from the benefits:

Benefits Costs = $15,000 − $10,000 = $5,000.

  1. Divide the results by the costs:

Benefits Costs/Costs = 0.5.

  1. Multiply by 100 to get the percentage:

0.5 × 100 = 50%.

In our example, the ROI is 50%. This means that with every dollar invested in automation, 50 cents is returned.

Efficiency ROI calculation

The efficiency of ROI calculation allows companies to understand how much time they saved by investing in automation. Here is the formula:

Efficiency ROI Formula

For example, you decided to improve the efficiency of certain processes in your company. Let’s break down the details:

  • Costs: $7,000 (the amount spent on tools and training);
  • Time Saved: 500 hours (time saved due to automation);
  • Hourly Rate: $25 (average hourly wage of employees performing the task).
  1. Calculate the value of the time saved:

Time Saved x Hourly Rate = 500 hours x $25 = $5,500.

  1. Subtract the automation costs from the value of the time saved:

Value of the Time SavedCosts = $12,500 −$7,000 = $5,500.

  1. Divide the result by the automation costs:

$7,000/$5,500​ ≈ 0.786.

  1. Multiply by 100 to get the percentage:

0.786×100 ≈ 78.6.

Final Thoughts

Automation ROI is a great way to evaluate the effectiveness of your initiatives. Remember to use it not only to measure the financial benefits of automation but also to measure other aspects. Calculating process automation ROI can provide insights into productivity improvements, cost savings, and efficiency of workflows. If you are preparing for the first steps into the process automation, consider implementing ROI calculation into your business strategy before you select the automation candidates.

If you want to learn more about automation and how you can leverage it to increase the efficiency of marketing processes, contact our experts today to discuss how eWizard can help you streamline operations and enhance your marketing automation ROI.

Virtual healthcare is now a reality, and chatbots play a significant role in its implementation. With such a rapid pace of technological advancement, chatbots have turned into a key tool for many healthcare organizations and facilities. The transformative role of healthcare chatbots is hard to overstate, but what exactly is the role of these tools in the modern healthcare industry and why are they growing so prominent? Find out more about chatbot technology in healthcare and its importance in our guide.

What is a Healthcare Chatbot?

Chatbots are AI-powered applications, widely used in many industries. Their primary goal is to facilitate quick patient interactions concerning specific services or products. However, chatbots in healthcare industry are much more than just this simple definition. Patient-centric chatbot solutions hold transformative power that can improve communication between patients and healthcare workers while also facilitating healthcare automation in patient care. Chatbots can do many things, from checking a doctor’s availability to providing personalized recommendations to patients.

The global market size of healthcare chatbots reached US$300.6 million in 2023 and is predicted to reach US$1.3 billion by 2032, with a 17.29% annual growth rate over the next 8 years. This is due to many factors, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the increased need for personalized medical services, and the growing recognition of chatbots’ role in healthcare research.

Healthcare Chatbots Market Size To Hit USD 944.65 Mn By 2032

Benefits of Chatbots in Healthcare

The chatbot tech has been quite popular for many years now, but it’s only recently that it has been gained wider recognition in the healthcare sector. Here are some of the benefits of medical chatbots and virtual health assistants:

Around-the-clock availability

How often have you tried to contact your doctor’s office, only to realize that it’s past their working hours and you will have to wait at least until the next day to finally get a consultation from an expert? Issues with scheduling appointments and long wait hours are extremely common in healthcare. Healthcare chatbots are designed to partially solve this problem by providing medical assistance 24/7.

Access to important information

Chatbots can serve as a place for all important information on healthcare-related topics, such as guides on different conditions, nearby hospitals, and healthcare facilities, answers to common questions, etc. Instead of trying to reach out to medical professionals, a patient can now have all the needed info in the palm of their hand.

A chance to stay anonymous

Even though connecting with another human and getting their support is important, sometimes it does the opposite. Many patients are not comfortable sharing their stories and asking for help, which sometimes forces them to turn down any assistance and suffer on their own. Healthcare chatbots can become a great solution for many seeking answers and guidance who might be hesitant to share their problems with actual doctors.

Quick data collection

Chatbots in healthcare offer benefits not only to patients but also to organizations and facilities. Leveraging data is key to discovering new ways to enhance treatments. However, acquiring this data can present significant challenges, particularly for smaller healthcare entities. Chatbots serve as invaluable data sources for many organizations, offering a method to improve treatments and personalize healthcare.


High quality healthcare can be expensive. Additional expenses tied to healthcare services—like consultations, medications, and treatments—can be a burden for many patients, even in the countries where healthcare is free. Chatbots can decrease the cost of patient care without any quality loss by reducing the need for some costly services. Of course, chatbots are not meant to replace visits to hospitals or any treatments. However, they do have the power to decrease the price of patient support. Moreover, thanks to artificial intelligence in healthcare, it is possible for hospitals to reduce expenses as well, potentially up to 10%.

Types of Medical Chatbots

While there is a vast array of healthcare chatbots available, they can generally be categorized into three main types based on their purpose and the algorithms they employ:

Informative Chatbots

Informative chatbots use a less intrusive approach, and instead of asking questions, they simply provide information on different healthcare services. One of the methods for implementing an informative chatbot is through a FAQ chatbot, which provides a list of potential questions for users to choose from, along with automatic responses to each. These are relatively simple and easy to implement, so it might be the first type of chatbot a healthcare facility adopts.

Prescriptive Chatbots

This type of healthcare chatbots is similar to informative ones but offers a little bit more info and personalization. Prescriptive chatbots are designed to answer patients’ questions and use patient data to make recommendations. In other words, prescriptive chatbots can give tailored medical advice based on the user’s input. Some prescriptive chatbots might also use generative AI to answer a wider pool of questions.

Conversational Chatbots

Chatbots that can better converse with patients are called conversational chatbots. Thanks to natural language processing in medicine, conversational chatbots can better understand patient inquiries and personalize the responses. Bots built with the use of large language models process the conversation as a whole, making it possible to imitate human interactions and assist users with complicated requests.

Main Use Cases & Examples of Chatbots in Healthcare

Let’s take a look at some real-world examples of health chatbots and how they can enhance patient-doctor communication:

Reminders for patients

There are just too many things to keep in mind, even if you write them all down. Vaccinations, pills, prescriptions, or appointments, on top of other routine activities, can often be forgotten until the last minute, making healthcare AI chatbots that remind you of those an extremely valuable tool. Medical care facilities can create chatbots that offer gentle nudges and reminders when needed.


Telehealth chatbot applications can serve as appointment tools and quick assistance with urgent questions. For example, bots can monitor the available slots and send recommendations based on the patient’s needs. If there is a complicated case or a situation where the chatbot can no longer assist the individual, it can automatically offer a quick consultation with an expert and redirect the patient to someone who can either offer them comprehensive support or guide them toward the next steps.

Healthcare insurance

Insurance companies, in collaboration with hospitals and other facilities, can create chatbots that help patients make appointments and submit insurance claims. In addition to guidance with making claims, chatbots can also assist patients with many questions regarding their insurance, such as coverage or specific services.

Feedback collection

What’s faster: answering a few short questions in a chatbot or talking to a medical representative for at least 10-15 minutes, discussing the visit to the doctor or any other appointments? With AI technology, it is possible to create a bot that helps collect feedback and personalize questions for patients to ensure their comfort and satisfaction. Healthcare facilities can gather patients’ opinions in just a few seconds, making this process quick and easy for both sides.

Patients’ education

Sometimes, there are just too many questions and too little time allocated for doctor’s appointments. That is why, many look for the answers online, which is not always ideal due to the lack of credibility of internet resources. Chatbots for medical consultations can solve this problem by offering information verified by real experts, as well as consulting patients on different topics.

Diagnosis estimation

Even though healthcare chatbots cannot replace real doctors, they can help patients assess their conditions and take the first step toward discovering the right diagnosis. With personalized healthcare technology, chatbots can use the data patients enter to determine what their symptoms might indicate, offering recommendations based on the patient’s medical history and current condition.


When surveyed about the perceived importance of chatbots, 77% of professionals and experts in mental health considered chatbots to be somewhat important (66%) or very important (11%). In contrast, 23% felt that chatbots were somewhat unimportant (20%) or very unimportant (3%).

Working with a licensed medical professional is always the best choice, but it might not suit everyone. Therapy sessions can be costly, and for many people, it can be uncomfortable to talk about their state and feelings. Of course, a healthcare chatbot cannot diagnose any mental health problems and solve them, but what it can do is provide the necessary support in just a few seconds, which is, in many cases, enough to relieve the patient and provide immediate coping strategies.

Future of AI Chatbots for Healthcare

The AI revolution is happening as we speak. Will it also impact how bots interact with people? It’s likely that chatbots will become an even more effective and engaging tool that improves the lives of many, both healthcare industry workers and patients alike. Here are the key trends for AI chatbots in the healthcare industry:

  • Chatbots will have more human interactions. Talking to a bot will be more human-like, almost as if another person is answering your questions and assisting you with your problems. A technology like this already exists: GPT-4o, a flagship model of the leading AI-powered chatbot, can chat with users with the help of voice, video, and images, understand and display emotions, and adjust responses based on requests.
  • Greater adoption of medical chatbots. As previously mentioned, the chatbot market only continues to grow. Even though it is already a popular technology, even more organizations will start using chatbots to streamline communication with patients and enhance patient care.
  • More integrations. Chatbots will not only be used by almost every company out there but they will also be integrated into different apps and programs. For example, a chatbot integrated into a mobile health app can respond to users’ questions about their condition, analyze symptoms, and even advise on what a patient should do to deal with their current health problems.
  • AI assistants. Chatbots will become even more helpful, evolving into assistants that guide patients through their health journey and assist them daily. AI assistants may be able to talk to patients at any time, offering advice and providing support during difficult times. Humans and AI-powered applications will become inseparable, making everyday tasks and caring for yourself much easier.

Of course, these are not the only trends on their own in the healthcare industry. A lot more is to come, and we look forward to what the future brings.

Final Thoughts

There are many exciting changes and advancements on the horizon, so the best thing healthcare providers can do is brace for innovations and integrate them into their workflows. Healthcare chatbots are here to stay, and it’s likely they will make an even greater impact than the community anticipates. AI-driven patient support is the future, and soon, we will witness even more instances of how it can save lives and enhance the quality of care.

If you feel ready to integrate life-changing software into your healthcare practice, contact our experts today to discuss how eWizard can help you streamline operations and improve communication with patients.

Content marketing tools have become a necessity rather than a choice. Most businesses acknowledge the value of content in digital marketing and strive to implement it in their overall marketing strategy. However, implementing content the right way is a challenge in its own right, especially when content marketers lack a sufficient toolkit. Writing and publishing content across different communication channels is just the tip of the iceberg; there’s much more to discuss. Luckily, content marketers now have access to a wide range of tools that can expedite content production and simplify and empower the whole scope of content marketing efforts.

In this guide, we will delve into the true meaning of content marketing and explore the best content marketing tools you can use to maximize its effectiveness.

Overview of Content Marketing

Before we get to the list of the best content marketing tools, let’s lay the groundwork by discussing the meaning of content marketing and why it’s such a big deal for many companies nowadays.

What is content marketing?

Content marketing is a strategic approach to creating and sharing content that focuses on attracting and engaging with a target audience. Companies that integrate content marketing tools and techniques into their campaigns can deliver more valuable content that promotes brand awareness and helps build stronger consumer relationships.

Content marketing is about showing the value of products and services instead of simply promoting them. Every content marketing campaign is supposed to offer relevant content to the target audience, which can take many forms, such as blog posts, emails, guides, articles, and others.

Why is content marketing important?

In the past, direct advertisements were the main method of promoting a product. Companies would create ads for billboards, magazines, TV, and other information sources, describing the perks of their offerings and trying to outshine the competitors. While this strategy worked for decades, it’s become ineffective with the appearance of the internet. People can now research anything before purchasing it, making advertisements almost invisible to the public.

Content marketing is the solution to this problem. Instead of just producing ads, hoping to catch someone’s attention, companies can use content marketing to share valuable information about their industry, business, and, of course, products, building more meaningful connections with potential customers. Around 90% of marketers make content a part of their marketing strategies, affirming its role in reaching the target audience. From connecting with the customer on a personal level to increasing brand awareness, content marketing serves as a versatile tool for driving conversation and making a real impact. With proper content strategy, marketing teams can:

  • Grow a larger customer base;
  • Build authority;
  • Drive conversions;
  • Improve rank in search engines;
  • Boost customer retention;
  • Create valuable content;
  • Enhance digital presence.

Why You Need Content Marketing Tools

Content marketers need to complete a series of tasks in order for their campaigns to be successful. Some content marketing tasks are content writing, semantic analysis, tracking performance metrics, project management, content research, and many others. How does one handle all of these on time and on point? The answer is simple: with the help of top content marketing tools.

Modern marketers have a wide selection of instruments they can use to attain their marketing goals and create top-notch, engaging, and relevant content. Instead of doing everything by yourself, you can double your productivity by using tools for content marketing, which can tackle all sorts of tasks and resolve many challenges.

The number of content marketing tools has significantly increased with the rise of artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies. 72% of marketers believe that AI and automation tools can personalize the customer experience and boost engagement. Combining it with other software makes achieving outstanding results possible while staying within the desired budget. But what are the apps and tools that allow you to do that? Without further ado, here is the list of the best tools for content creation.

Best Content Marketing Tools

Whether you are looking for tools to power up your omnichannel strategy, enhance the content creation process, or streamline content distribution, our list has something for you, covering every content marketing tool you will ever need.

1. eWizard

Working with content entails much more than just its creation; it involves editing, approving, translating, analyzing, and distributing it as well. Doing that in different applications and programs is not cost-effective and extremely time-consuming. eWizard, a content experience platform, is designed to solve this problem and more.

eWizard helps marketers connect content across multiple channels by unifying all processes related to content optimization and production. In eWizard, you can collaborate with other professionals in a single workspace to develop system-agnostic content and prepare all needed elements, such as modules, templates, etc. Thanks to seamless integrations with other platforms, you can easily publish your content on any channel. Other features of eWizard include:

  • Modular content production;
  • MLR process optimization;
  • Translation automation;
  • Content personalization;
  • Analytics;
  • AI-powered solutions.

eWizard can be fully customized to your company’s needs and goals, ensuring seamless integration with your existing workflows and processes. The platform allows you to focus solely on your marketing efforts, while handling most repetitive and time-consuming tasks with the help of automation.

eWizard content experience platform

2. Buffer

Buffer is an online platform that helps both companies and individuals streamline content-related processes. Whenever you create any social media posts, you can use Buffer to schedule it on the chosen channel, and this content marketing program will take care of it for you. This is not the only feature Buffer has to offer; you can also use Buffer to analyze your work thanks to automated reports, build a landing page, create a library of ideas for your future posts, collaborate with others on content creation, and generate content and repurpose posts with the help of AI assistant.

3. Constant Contact

Constant Contact is believed to be one of the best email marketing tools available on the market right now. Its features include pre-built email templates, SMS marketing, social media marketing, and marketing automation software. Constant Contact, compared to many content marketing tools, is much more user-friendly and easy to use, even for those without experience creating email campaigns.

The Constant Contact’s templates library has many great options, and you can customize your emails and content marketing campaigns to fit your company’s image and voice. One of the few disadvantages Constant Contact has is its price, which many believe to be a little bit too high, and the outdatedness of some templates.

4. Surfer SEO

Surfer SEO is a tool that offers comprehensive SEO support for content makers and SEO specialists. This software includes multiple content marketing tools in one, such as a content editor, keyword research, SEO audit, keyword surfer, and even an AI-powered outline generator.

Surfer SEO tracks your content’s SEO performance and provides you with a detailed analysis of how your competitors use keyword strategies. It can be integrated with other tools and platforms like Google Docs or Salesforce, allowing you to use it in combination with the software of your choice or create content directly in Surfer SEO’s content editor.

5. Grammarly

Want to write a flawless copy free from punctuation and spelling mistakes? If your answer is “yes,” then Grammarly is the right tool for you. Grammarly is a proofreading tool capable of finding multiple types of mistakes within a couple of seconds. It can be easily integrated into Google Docs and other applications, meaning that you can proofread not only the content you create but also emails, messages, and any other type of text.

Grammarly also offers an AI-powered content generator that can assist you in crafting your initial draft. This proofreading tool might not be the ultimate solution for marketers, but it is definitely great for ensuring clarity and correctness in everything you write.

6. Leadfwd

If you are ready to implement automation into your workflows, you should consider using Leadfwd. Instead of researching each lead individually and spending a lot of time and money, you can now trust this job to Leadfwd. The main features of Leafwd include personalization, lead nurturing, web analytics, email management, and segmentation. This software is a great choice for companies needing assistance tracking site metrics and determining who engages with their brand the most.

7. Awario

Awario is a unique type of tool. It is a social listening software that helps brands track mentions and find sales opportunities. This platform also offers a variety of other features, including email alerts, influencer research, analytics, and others.

Awario tracks many different resources simultaneously, such as social media, blogs, forums, and other websites. In other words, if your company is mentioned, you will likely find out about it with Awario. Moreover, Awario allows you to receive unique insights about engagements with your brand and act upon them immediately by providing you with leads you can reach out to immediately.


A successful content marketing strategy hinges on striking the right balance between the marketer’s efforts and selecting appropriate tools. And remember that content projects are only successful if you work with your team, carefully plan your next steps, and combine different strategies and instruments.

If you are searching for the best content marketing tool, talk to our experts now or book a demo. We are always ready to answer all your questions and guide you through eWizard’s capabilities.

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